A quick look at this week's activities and events.
Pastor Appreciation Chapel on Oct 30th.
Keep track of regularly scheduled events, including planned school closures and holidays.
Download a .pdf copy of the 2024-25 Parent / Student Handbook.
Stay tuned here and on Facebook for upcoming details!
Click below for a thirty second glimpse into Wesleyan Christian School.
Up-to-date general information for parents of all grades.
The link to the supply list for elementary school grades is below.
PreK thru Fifth grades
Join with us to help establish the safest method of picking up and dropping off your students. Follow this link to access a printable document outlining procedures for 2020.
Join with other parents as we work to support Wesleyan Christian School. Follow this link to learn more about PTF opportunities at WCS.
Follow this link to learn more about the myriad volunteer opportunities at WCS.
Dear Parents,
Below you will find a few reminders and updated information for elementary students and our Extended Care program:
Emergency Contact Information:
Our school office hours are from 7:30-4:00. If you have an emergency between the hours of 4:00-5:30 and need to get in contact with one of our extended care teachers or your student, you may call 918-333-8631. If you do not get an answer please call 605-645-2608. During regular school hours, please call the elementary school office at 918-333-8631. Please reserve all non-emergency after hour calls for the following day.
Extended care begins each day with snack time. In your child's lunch box, please send an easy to clean up snack that is labeled "extended care".
Student Pick-Up: Signs will be placed on the front doors of the elementary building indicating the location of the extended care program. If your student is being picked up by someone other than the usual pick up person(s), please contact the office during school hours with that information so we can make our teachers aware of the change. If that person is not on your pick up list, please send an email stating the name and phone number of the person who will be picking your child(ren) up. If we are not made aware of the change of pick up, we will kindly ask the person picking your child(ren) up to wait while we get confirmation from a parent/guardian.
Extended care closes at 5:30 each day. Please make arrangements to have your child picked up no later than 5:30. Students picked up after 5:30 will be charged an additional $1.00/minute past 5:30.
Dress for the Weather:
As the weather transitions from season to season, please be advised that we will spend some time on the playground each day that the weather permits. Please dress your child accordingly and send a jacket to school.
Thank you!
The E-giving account manager, Angelina Sapienza, can help you with any questions you have about how to set up your E giving account or any problems you encounter with the system. Her number is 877-771-3336 ext. 2025.
We are very excited about this new opportunity and hope that it is a time saver and blessing for your family.
Help keep Christian education a part of the Bartlesville community.